REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN for the 100% virtual 2021 IAFF Convention. Delegate Registration has been reduced to $100 per Delegate. Use the links below to review the Registration and the Proxy Voting Procedures. When ready, click on the Register Now button to begin the 2021 IAFF Convention Registration process.
The Convention Call has been updated and the credentialing and registration process is open to all IAFF affiliates that are current in their per capita payments.
It is extremely important to have the credential process completed prior to arriving at Convention.
Make sure the IAFF has all delegate and alternate delegate emails. This can be done online by updating your roster information or emailing [email protected]. Know your login (or create one) for the IAFF website.
Advance registration (payment) is recommended. Remember to have your IAFF membership card. To order a replacement card, send an email to [email protected] or call (202) 824‐1525.
Proxy credentials must be completed by both affiliate officers online by 5:00 p.m., EST on Tuesday, December 15, 2020.
A proxy carrier must be credentialed and registered prior to being designated.
Proxies may be used by affiliates of 100 members or less that do not send a delegate to Convention.
Only delegates are permitted to carry proxies.
State associations are not permitted to carry proxies.
No local union delegate may carry proxies to represent membership in excess of 100.
The total of proxy votes carried by all delegates within a local union cannot exceed 200.
Only delegates (not alternate delegates) vote at Convention.
Per capita status OR completing credentials – Maureen Green, [email protected] or (202) 824‐1518 or Demetrius Williams, [email protected] or (202) 824-8634.